Furniture & Equipment Drive

As Christ followers, WE are called to share Christ’s love with others and, in doing so, “go and make disciples.” As The Water’s Edge gets closer to moving into our building, WE want to emphasize that this is more than just a building. The building is a tool that will allow us to reach out to our community. To spread Christ’s love with others for generations to come. Don’t look at the furniture and equipment on these pages and think of them as just material items to fill space. Instead, as you browse through this catalog, think of them as tools to multiply our reach within the community thus multiplying God’s Kingdom.

Beginning, September 24th, you have a unique opportunity to donate toward the furnishings and equipment that will be used in our new building at 195th & Harrison Streets. As you browse the catalog and make your considerations, WE ask that you think about how these items will be used to share Christ’s love with generations to come.

If you have any questions about the Furniture and Equipment Drive, please contact Jennie at

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