Letters To Myself

“Letters, we get letters! We get lots and lots of letters!” Remember the old jingle from The Letterman Show? These days, letter writing has become a lost art. Replaced by brief e-mails and texts. Rarely do we slow down long enough to reflect and reminisce on paper. But, what if we each sat down and wrote a letter to ourselves? What would it say? What life lessons would you reflect on? What would you remind yourself to prioritize? What would you celebrate? And, most importantly, how can all these things bring us closer to God? Join us beginning February 2nd as WE start our new series, “Letters To Myself.”

Sermon Videos & Notes

Letters To Myself – A Life Group Study

Most of us put some thought into things we’d like to do differently in our lives. We consider what we want to stop, start, or continue doing. Because something inside all of us looks at the future and sees potential for a fresh start. But most of us never end up seeing the change we want. We never do what we set out to do. Or we do them for a really short period before calling quits. Why is that? Why don’t we change? That’s the question we’ll start answering in the next few weeks as we talk about how to make the kind of change that ultimately makes our life better. We’re going to look at some notes we should write to ourselves. And we’ll see it’s not just about having a better year but living a better life story.

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3