Lent Devo

Has it really been a year? One full year? Twelve months? 365 days? Yes. As hard as it is to believe, a full year has passed since life changed in ways we never would have imagined. A year ago, doors closed, things stopped and life changed. And, day after day, we asked: 

“Can’t we just get back to normal?”

I won’t lie. I’ve asked this so many times. We all have at one time or another. We have all longed to wake up one morning and this crazy pandemic to be over. And, if we are being honest, I bet some of us have even pretended things were normal again. We want things to change and we want it to happen…now.


But, there’s a lot to be learned by waiting. By being patient. By admitting what troubles us and leaning into and learning from this experience. Even now, a full year later. Yes, we want this COVID-19 thing to just go away so we can get on with our lives and we want that to happen now. But, when we stop wishing for premature resolution and take a look at what is in front of us, we can see that while so much has changed, what’s important remains. Because…


God remains…the same. The same God who has time and time again lavished love upon His children. The same God who sacrificed His son so we may all live. All of us. Despite our shortcomings…our fears…our doubts. And…no matter where we are, no matter what is it we are dealing with – God will still show up. Here. There. Everywhere. He is here. And He will remain. Then. Now. Always.


Yes, things are still different right now. And, if we are honest with ourselves, we know this won’t change overnight. And, that’s ok. It will all be ok. Because, while a resolution to this pandemic is not fully here, He is. And He is guiding us, leading us, listening to us and walking along side us. Every step of the way.


So today, instead of searching your brain for a premature resolution to whatever troubles you – just stop. Be still and search your heart for…Him.


“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
-Isaiah 41:10