Lent Devo

Lent is the time to prepare ourselves for the coming of Easter. Our goal is like going out and doing something or stop doing something that will build our faith. This goal will help us to increase our faith and live up to the expectations of our Heavenly Father.

The point of giving something up is to show God that we realize that some things in our life are not good for us. We need to get rid of things that take us away from God.  Anger is one of those things. How do we give up the anger that we hold against others? There are some ideas that we need to think about:

  1. Life is too short to stay angry at someone. By staying angry we are only hurting ourselves.
  2. Redirect your anger – control what you can control. Is there something good we can do instead?
  3. Social media can initiate so much anger – perhaps staying away from it will help!
  4. Take time to respond to others. Calm down before you respond with anger.
  5. Think about your anger. What is causing it?  Is there another way to approach this?

We can control our anger and God is there to help us! Pray for control and patience!

Dear God, Please help us to control our anger!  Take our hands and lead us to a peaceful way of living.  In Jesus’ name, Amen