Decrease March 30th Devotion

Why do we withhold? Why do we hold back? Why do we resist giving something either materially or figuratively? Why do we hoard? Perhaps it’s because we have a scarcity mindset.  We think there’s only a limited amount of something, as if they (whoever “they” is) aren’t...

Decrease March 29 Devotion

In every life some rain must fall. I’m paraphrasing to keep this PG but “stuff” happens. However you say it, we all know it’s true. It’s one of the realities of life that bad stuff happens and to good people as well as bad. However, this doesn’t mean we’re cursed and...

Decrease March 27th Devotion

Every year before the new school year started, my brother and I would get to pick out a new pair of shoes. This was a very important day, since these would be our shoes for whole school year. I was feeling the pressure! My brother, Zach, and I had very different...

Decrease March 26th Devotion

“It’s easier to ask forgiveness than permission.” This is the mantra of nearly every Youth Pastor. Want to play hide & seek in the sanctuary behind the organ bellows? Football in the nursery? Nerf Wars in the children’s ministry wing? Go for it, just don’t ask...

Decrease March 25th Devotion

Adding things to our lives is a socially acceptable and desirable practice.  It’s also a rational inclination.  We want our lives to be rich and full of good things.  A full life is proof positive to most of us that we are living the good life if not “a” good life. ...

Decrease March 24th Devotion

Skepticism and cynicism prevail in our society.  We’ve all become a bit too untrusting, a bit too “I won’t believe unless I see.”  Thomas would feel vindicated.  To be fair there’s nothing wrong with looking for proof in business or in life; it’s self-preservation...